| 1. | Life members may attend council meetings at their discretion 终身校董可按其本人决定是否出席大学校董会会议
| 2. | Dr cheung is also life member of the international association of lions clubs 张博士亦为国际狮子总会终生会员。
| 3. | There are two kinds of membership : agency members and life members 社联会员社联会员有两类:机构会员和个人会员。
| 4. | Dr . the honourable lee quo - wei , life member and immediate past chairman of council 终身校董及上任校董会主席利国伟博士
| 5. | Note : ordinary members joined for one year are eligible to apply as life member 注:入会必须超过1年才可申请加入为永久会员
| 6. | B life members (二)永久个人会员
| 7. | Life member adult members of scout association of hong kong nominated by the executive committee of the commissioners ' club 永久会员:由总监俱?部执?委员会提名之童军成员。
| 8. | If in the opinion of the executive committee , the conduct or behaviour of an agency or life member is prejudicial to the good name of the council 如执行委员会认为其行为或作为对本会的声誉有损者。
| 9. | If in the opinion of the executive committee , the conduct or behaviour of an agency or life member is prejudicial to the good name of the council (五)如执行委员会认为其行为或作为对本会的声誉有损者。
| 10. | Registration for agm and egm , and collection of voting forms by official representatives of agency members and life members 机构会员正式代表及永久个人会员登记出席周年会员大会及特别会员大会,并领取选票